COP26 final agreement includes progress on a range of priority areas for the Govt. & LWAG to host Climate Scientist in 2022.
· A requirement for countries to strengthen their carbon-cutting pledges as necessary by the end of 2022 to make sure they align with the goal of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees
· A new work programme to help accelerate climate ambition. This is a significant development as it means and annual check on progress will be permanently on the agenda for future COP’s.
· Long-awaited rules to ensure the environmental integrity of global carbon markets and transparency in how climate action is reported.
· A recognition of the need to protect human rights and the rights of indigenous peoples when taking action to cut emissions.
· An agreement to accelerate efforts to phase-down unabated coal and inefficient fossil fuel subsidies – and for this to be done in a way that supports a just transition for those whose work and communities are affected.
Minister Shaw noted Minister Shaw noted the significance of countries agreeing to a set of rules that will contribute to genuine emissions reductions and countries working towards improved climate ambition and lower cost emission reductions, in way that maintains environmental integrity.