The Team



Paul White

Paul is a groundwater scientist at Wairakei Research Centre. Chairman of Lakes and Waterways Action Group (LWAG), Paul believes that community advocacy is essential towards ensuring good environmental outcomes in this district. He is instrumental in LWAG providing a forum where the community are encouraged to have a say in the monitoring and on-going management of land use and water quality. The success of the Lake Taupō Protection Project depended on broad political support and community backing. Paul is committed to ensuring this continues as future issues unfold. For instance, as well as land use challenges, the Taupo district population continues to grow yet urban nutrient outputs need to be managed under the ‘cap’. Paul believes that maintaining the consensus around Lake Taupo protection is essential, which is why LWAG continues to be a valued community-based environmental advocacy group.

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Jane Penton

Jane Penton has a background in organic gardening and holistic health. Her work with Lakes and Waterways Action Group (LWAG), which includes administration support and communications, began as a volunteer position in the early 1990s. Jane is passionate about improved soil health, biodiversity, water quality and regenerative and sustainable land use practices. She believes that not only are there co-benefits between these, but also positive outcomes for climate change through land-based carbon reduction.  Through nearly twenty years of involvement with LWAG, Jane has seen first-hand how community advocacy can bring about significant environmental improvement.

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Board of Trustees

LWAG’s Trustees have evolved since the group formed in the 90’s. Pictured here are three original trustees; Laurie Burdett, Paul White, Gifford McFadden, and on the right, WRC Freshwater Scientist Dr Bill Vant who presented to the group in 2019.


Laurie Burdett

Natalie Haines

Gifford McFadden



Paul White

