Lake Taupō Protection Project Joint Committee meeting 24 April, 2020
The Joint Committee comprises representatives from Government (Ministry for the Environment), Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Taupo District Council, and Waikato Regional Council. Lake Taupō Protection Project Joint Committee agendas and minutes available here:
Lake Taupo Protection Project Joint Committee meeting Friday 24th April, 2020
5. Future Governance and Management of the Lake Taupo Protection Project (pg 8. Agenda) Report to provide an update on the resolutions of Waikato Regional Council and Taupo District Council regarding the ongoing Governance and Management of the Lake Taupo Protection Project. Date: 17 April 2020, Author: Neville Williams - Waikato Regional Council Tanya Wood – Taupō District Council (Abridged)
N.B TDC Councillors voted in support of the preferred Governance and Management Options proposed by Officials Working Party, while WRC adopted the recommendations with amendments. Both Councils need to agree to the options going forward in their respective Long Term Planning consultation rounds. (Ref. below & also LWAG website ‘Monthly Report March/April/May 2020’ for WRC Councillor Kathy White and TDC Councillor John Williamson background information)
For previous resolutions passed by LTPP Joint Management Committee (LTPPJC), TDC & WRC & full reports see agenda (link above)
Report to LTPPJC ‘Decisions of the Waikato Regional Council and Taupō District Council (Regarding the ongoing Governance and Management of the Lake Taupō Protection Project’ 17 April 202, Author: Neville Williams - Waikato Regional Council, Tanya Wood –Taupō District Council (Abridged)
Conclusion: 14. Despite the apparent conflicts in WRC’s resolution, the intent of both WRC and TDC is clear regarding their joint expectations that the LTPT provide performance measures and a budget to the LTPPJC that are acceptable to both parties.
15. From WRC’s perspective the future proposed budgets of the LTPT will need to conform with the lowest cost option as calculated and presented by the Officials Working Party (OWP).
16. Staff from WRC and TDC will continue to work on the funding options for the future management of the project from 1 July 2021.It is planned that this work will be by September 2020, so that it can be included in the development of the Long-term Plans for each Council.
Report to LTPP CJC , ‘Lake Taupō Protection Project Key Milestones 2018 –2021 - Update April 2020 Date: 17 April 2020 Author: Neville Williams, for Officials Working Party (Abridged)
The focus over the next few months will be on TDC and WRC progressing work on future funding for the project. An issues and options paper is being drafted (due by the end of quarter 2,2020) to identify funding mechanisms, beneficiaries and contributors to meet the projects funding requirements.
Work is on track in accordance with the indicative timetable,but time frames continue to be very tight and it is important that the LTPPJC continues to meet its milestones in order to keep on schedule.
Lake Taupō Protection Project: Indicative High-Level Timeframe (Abridged)
Assumptions made in development of the timeframes: The Lake Taupō Protection Trust (LTPT) will continue to operate as currently through to June 2021, after which date the management would move to a new arrangement.
Waikato Regional Council (WRC) and Taupō District Council (TDC) will have consulted and decided on the mechanism to be used to secure ongoing funding for the project by June 2021 and that funds will be available from July 2021.
All dates are currently indicative and based on the best information currently available.
LWAG May 2020