LWAG to host TDC's Denis Lewis - annual '3 Waters' report September 16, at the Acapulco Motel Conference Rm, 19 Rifle Range Rd under level 2+ conditions.
For LWAG’s September Ref: Monthly Reports on this website:
Agenda The update will include an overview of the proposed '3 Waters' Reform Programme. TDC are seeing feedback on this via a questionnaire due September 15th
FYI - TDC are wanting feedback via a survey on the Government's '3 Water Reforms Programme' by September 15th - Link to survey here:
Summary of Proposals here: https://www.dia.govt.nz/diawebsite.nsf/Files/Three-waters-reform-programme/$file/transforming-the-system-for-delivering-three-waters-services-the-case-for-change-and-summary-of-proposals-30-june-2021.pdf
In July 2020, the Government launched the Three Waters Reform programme – a three-year programme to reform local government three waters (wastewater, drinking water and stormwater) service delivery arrangements.
Currently Taupō District Council, along with 66 other councils, own and operate the majority of these assets across New Zealand.
Under these reforms, the Government would like to amalgamate these services and create a small number of multi-regional entities with a bottom line of public ownership. The exact size, shape and design of these entities is still being worked through.
LWAG invite you to hear more about this process at our September 16 meeting, 5.15 pm at the Acapulco Motel, 19 Rifle Range Rd (Level 2 only)