MfE Freshwater Policy update including input sought on Farm Plans and low slope maps for stock exclusion by Sept 12 2021

The Farm Plans are expected to come into effect from mid-2022. The Government is seeking your input into the regulations.

Regional councils will be responsible for initial certification and ongoing auditing of freshwater farm plans, including compliance, monitoring and enforcement actions. Feedback is currently being sought on the proposed freshwater farm plan system through to implementation. This includes the content of freshwater farm plans, outcomes and how the plans can be certified, audited, and amended.
The stock exclusion low slope maps regulations are also being consulted on. The regulations include a map of low slope land, which shows where beef cattle and deer will need to be excluded from access to waterways. Consultation from 1 July 2025- 12 September.

Synthetic nitrogen fertiliser cap from 1 July
From 1 July this year, a cap on the use of synthetic nitrogen fertiliser applies on any contiguous parcel of pastoral land. The cap has been set at 190 kg per hectare per year. This applies to all grazed land (including grass and annual forage crop) except for the grazing of livestock on the stubble of arable crops.

Jane Penton