TDC Update July 2020

TDC/WRC Healthy Rivers appeal process

TDC Ordinary Meeting 30th June - Agenda Item 4.6 re; discussing recommendation that: ‘Council should lodge an appeal on the notified decision on Plan Change 1 to the Waikato Regional Plan, as it will allow Council to be involved in any changes to the points of the appeal, which may be made through the mediation and appeal process.’ (Background and options provided - ref; TDC Agenda and attachments)

For updates on Wastewater Treatment Plants see Monthly Report section of LWAG website. Of significance is a recent government announcement: ‘In an almost one billion dollar deal, Auckland's Watercare will soon take over water services for a big chunk of the Waikato. Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta has led a huge overhaul of water provision that could see regional bodies in charge of supplies.’

 $20 million Government injection for CBD transformation: Media release 1 July 2020

The transformation of the Taupō Town Centre was one of 16 projects the council applied for funding for as part of the Crown Infrastructure Partners call for ‘shovel ready’ projects. See full media release here:

TDC Submission to PC2: Taupo Overseer Version (ref: Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda 26 May)

TDC’s submission highlighted concerns relating to: ‘…proposed changes to Rule which would see the nitrogen limits for nitrogen increase from 8kg/per hectare/year to 12kg/per hectare/yr. Staff are concerned that when amending this rule, consideration has not been given to the implications of trading nitrogen and converting to permitted activities (farming or non-farming) under this rule.’ In addition, we have considered another matter…outside scope of plan change…would like you to consider as you progress the review of the Waikato Regional Plan. Currently in Chapter 3.10, there is no simple mechanism for the transfer of nitrogen to another entity (for example Taupo District Council) for utilisation where a landowner is no longer farming and will connect to one of Council’s reticulated wastewater schemes….) – From Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda 26 May 2020

TDC Transport Strategy 2020–2050 (Abridged from TDC CEO Gareth Green’s summary for the Taupo Ratepayers Group) N.B. LWAG will here more about the strategy at their September meeting
A new report has been in the making since early 2019, but is finally getting ready for public consultation, starting August 2020. This follows workshops with Councillors, with the final report to be approved at the July Council meeting. The Transport Strategy is looking to achieve resilience and reliability, for the next 30 years.

Key points that will need to be addressed by ratepayers are as follows; (abridged)

  • NZTA need to improve the state highways. With an emphasis on SH1 between Taupo and Turangi, where the road is not fit for purpose.

  • TDC want to foster social and economic interactions, with improved regular transport services in the region. With help from the WRC that is currently 50% funded by TDC.

  • Shared pathways on three main axis's, with interconnections.

  • Do ratepayers want a "cycle way" focus in Taupo?

  • Is a new Waikato River bridge crossing value for money? Other pressure points at Spa Road may not be resolved just with a new bridge. What should ratepayers pay for to get the best outcome? and more……

Jane Penton