Nov 2021 - With COP 26 in progress we have an overview from the Climate Comission. Also, LWAG to host Climate Change presentation by Dr James Renwick at our Feb 17th meeting 2022.

We will never have a greater opportunity to transition to a thriving climate resilient and low-emissions Aotearoa than right now. 

We cannot keep waiting for the perfect plan, whether it be from COP, from Government leaders, their officials, or local government agencies. Government plans can provide some certainty but no matter how perfect the plan, the only thing that will transition us to a thriving, low emissions, and climate resilient Aotearoa is action.  

And it’s not just business and industry that must act. It’s easy as individuals to dismiss our own actions as insignificant, Aotearoa as too small. But we can all take responsibility for our own carbon footprints and our everyday actions and choices. We can encourage friends and whānau to join us, and urge the businesses we work for and buy from to take action too. Our individual actions at home, combined with individual actions across the world, add up. 

When we look at the global goal of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees C, every tonne of emissions matters, every fraction of a degree of warming matters, every day matters, every action matters. 

And the time for action is now. It may be a challenging time to act, but if not now when? Now is the only time we have. 

If we keep putting off doing the things we should be doing because we are waiting for governments and their plans, we are going to wait too long. - Climate Change Commission Chair Rod Carr

Have your say on The MfE’s Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP) which will set out exactly how each Minister across Government plans to reduce climate pollution to meet our emissions targets and address the climate crisis. If done right, it will set us firmly on the path to a low emissions future. Submissions open until 24th November:

Jane Penton