August/September 2020 including LWAG Agenda September 17

General Business: LWAG’s September 17 meeting will be held at the Taupo Croquet Clubroom, 3 Rokino Rd at 5.15 pm. TDC’s Infrastructure Manager Denis Lewis and Asset Manager Michael Cordell will give members an update on ‘3 Waters’ - Stormwater Drinking Water and Wastewater. Heading into a Long Term Planning round and with ‘shovel ready project’ funding from government, infrastructure opportunities relating to water will be of especial interest.

Under Level 2 lockdown and until the end of the year, LWAG are likely to be using the Croquet Club Hall as their venue. However, we are in negotiation to use the Library as a venue in the future, which means arriving when staff are there, being in the building after hours and leaving by a back door. Security measures are currently being worked through to allow for our use of their building under these conditions.

Statutory Processes: LWAG submitted on TDC’s Draft Transport Strategy

Farming Issues:

Science Update: NIWA is seeking funders for their Lake Taupo monitoring station giving continuous real-time data on water temperature, dissolved oxygen, and chlorophyll fluorescence as well as meteorological data. LWAG have been supporting the process, and recently lobbied several parties, encouraging them to get involved with discussions. We understand that WRC and Tuwharetoa are in discussion with NIWA. (See our ‘Latest News’ section on the website)

For more detail on the above - see attached via link below

Appendix: LWAG September 17 agenda, link to NIWA buoy Taupo Times article, TDC Media Release: Council accesses $8.3 million in government funding, and more…

Download Full Report and Agenda

Jane Penton