April/May 2022 including LWAG Agenda May 19
General Business: LWAG AGM July 21st 2022
Statutory Processes: Te Kōpu ā Kānapanapa, a co-governance body with membership from Te Kotahitanga o Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Waikato Regional Council and Taupō District Council, is developing a management plan (Te Kaupapa Kaitaki) for the Taupō Catchment that seeks to protect, restore and enhance its environmental, cultural and spiritual health for current and future generations. https://www.tekaupapakaitiaki.co.nz/te-kaupapa-kaitiaki/ (Ref: minutes attached)
Farming Issues: Farmer Feedback: Ninety nine percent of farmers who participated in a recent roadshow expressed that they don’t want agriculture in the ETS and were concerned about the impact on farm business viability and wanted to see some changes to the partnership’s proposals.
There was a strong preference for the farm-level levy option (86%). Farmers expressed that they want to be recognised and incentivised for individual actions, have a say on the farm emissions price and have choices about their farm management. However, there were concerns about sector readiness for a farm-level pricing system and the cost of implementing by 2025
Science Update: WRC Senior scientists to report to LWAG in July on SOE results for Taupo
For more detail - see attached via link below
Appendix: LWAG agenda May 19