January/February 2025 including LWAG Agenda February 20th

General Business: ‘Foreshore erosion strategy and delivery and the management of reserves will be up for discussion at the Taupō Lakes and Waterways Trust (TLAW) meeting on February 20.

Taupō District Council’s reserves operations manager Greg Hadley will make a presentation on the relevant council plans, and touch on a new way of approaching monitoring through a document co-authored with Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board.’ From TTaupō & Turangi Herald article - Chris Marshall

Statutory Processes: DISTRICT FUTURE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY - Planning for Growth in the Taupō District until 2060 (Pending Formal Adoption) Submissions closed 20th December. TLAW sent in comments and plans to speak to them at TDC’s full council meeting this month.

Rural Update: TLAW are planning to receive a rural update from landowners and WRC staff involved with the Lake Taupō Protection Project and its objectives at our March 20 meeting. Watch this space!

Science Update: Waikato Regional Council invests $414k to fight invasive gold clam https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/537188/waikato-regional-council-invests-414k-to-fight-invasive-gold-clam

Appendix: LWAG agenda

Download Agenda & scroll down here for LWAG activities/updates & community participation opportunities:


 Jan/Feb 2025 (Recent updates highlighted)


DISTRICT PLAN REVIEW 2019 - 2022 Council has now adopted and notified the Commissioner Decisions on Plan Changes 38 and 40-43

Taupō District Plan Changes 44-46 pre-consultation Residential Zones Neighbourhood Centre Zone

Open Space Zones  TDC are seeking feedback from the community regarding the draft zone provisions, to make sure they are heading in the right direction. You can submit feedback online from Wednesday 6 November to 4.30pm Friday 20 December 2024. (See more below) Extension requested to Dec 27th .TLAW submitted on pre-consultation. (See more below)

DISTRICT FUTURE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY - Planning for Growth in the Taupō District until 2060 (Pending Formal Adoption) Submissions closed 20th December. TLAW sent in comments (See more below) https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/e10799700d0e485daf5d898613bce79f3

TDC LONG TERM PLAN 2024-34 –Adopted

Applications for the Strategic Partnership Fund TLAW applied. Decisions on funding will be made in February 2025.


NUKUHAU PRIVE PLAN CHANGE – Became operative in June 2023 (after appeal issues resolved) In line with the recommendations, TDC is looking into the control gates bridge as part of the Annual Plan process. Alongside this, no development within the plan change area can progress until an appropriate solution to dealing with infrastructure including increased wastewater is addressed.

Wastewater buffer tanks and pump station proposed for construction 2026 to enable development. The buffer tanks will enable some of the Nukuhau Plan change to proceed. More than just Ryman etc. One design finished TDC will know exactly how much can develop.


July 2021 for 111 residential lots above Acacia Bay.

WW now proposed to be stored and fed incrementally into system at off peak times i.e. reticulated. Louise Wood is processing consent which is currently on hold awaiting the applicants addressing of further geotechnical concerns raised by peer-reviewed engineering report (TDC).  The land is zoned residential so decision on level of notification of development yet to be made.  LWAG interest passed onto Louise to keep updated once the information in. No update from the waters team as at this stage we are not involved in the consent process, will need to discuss with our planners. NO UPDATE

TURANGI WWTP – Consent Renewal lodged November 2017. LWAG commented re; options. Processing by WRC deferred pending steering group progression. Steering group including John Williamson, TDC staff, Tuwharetoa MTB and local iwi External, project manager contracted re; overseeing steering group process. TDC are looking at land disposal options and are likely to some direction from Council on this in the new year. Currently reviewing specific potential sites for land disposal. A carbon dosing system now installed. TDC are seeing good results with reduction in the amount of nitrogen discharged after commissioning of the carbon dosing system. Interim consent may be required due to delay in disposal site decision. WRC are now processing their consent for discharge at the current site as this discharge will continue for some time regardless of the long-term direction. Council decision over a potential land disposal system is yet to be made and development of the land disposal option continues. Should get some movement in the next few months. NO UPDATE.

MANGAKINO – TDC is including upgrade of WWTP for N removal in new consent application and the planned upgrade will allow for future growth. Consultation complete and now finalizing conditions, expect WRC to issue consent imminently. Upgrade planned for 2028.

ATIAMURI: Wastewater Discharge Consent now granted. Upgrade scheduled by June 2026.

VIEW ROAD: Expanding View Rd site by 60/70 ha irrigation infrastructure.

System now operational 68Ha of irrigation installed.

TDC DRINKING WATER UPGRADES: Kinloch WTP construction has started.

Atiamuri and Waihaha water supply UV projects underway.

Omori/Hatepe/Motuoapa/Centennial to follow. Acacia Bay now connected to the Taupo scheme. NO UPDATE.


TDC has appointed a consultant to assist with renewal of the district wide discharge consent.

N.B. 2023/24 Compliance Report (WRC) available (Jane has received PdF files)

TDC CLIMATE CHANGE – ADOPTION OF EMISSIONS REDUCTION TARGETS & DIRECTIVEhttps://www.taupodc.govt.nz/council/news?item=id:2j9n4bu5v1cxbyyqa0tf

Refer also District Future Development Strategy and Strategic Partnership Fund criteria above

COMPOSTABLE WASTE MINIMISATION INITIATIVE: MYNOKE support circular economy processes for Taupō businesses and institutions. (N.B. MYNOKE are currently contracted take TDC wastewater sludge to turn into vermicast.) For more info se: https://sustainable.org.nz/people/ and https://www.mynoke.co.nz/

TE KAUPAPA KAITIAKI ~ TAUPŌ CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN: Te Kōpu ā Kānapanapa, a co-governance body with membership from Te Kotahitanga o Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Waikato Regional Council and Taupō District Council, is developing a management plan (Te Kaupapa Kaitaki)          for the Taupō Catchment that seeks to protect, restore and enhance its environmental, cultural and spiritual health for current and future generations. The vision for the Taupō Catchment as set out in the Ngāti Tūwharetoa Claims Settlement Act 2018 is ‘for a healthy Taupō Catchment that is capable of sustaining the whole community and that is managed in a manner that reflects Ngāti Tūwharetoa tikanga’. More about the Plan: https://www.tekaupapakaitiaki.co.nz/te-kaupapa-kaitiaki/  or



For Te Kōpu ā Kānapanapa agendas: Next meeting Tuesday 1st April 9.30 am.


Film: Te Kopu a Kanapanapa / Te Piringa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IY5MUieaRNg


WRC’s FRESHWATER POLICY REVIEW – Combined Joint Working Party established, October 2024 – Waikato/Waipa Catchments Freshwater decision making Committee established, October 2024 – Waikato/Waipa catchments, Round 3 targeted iwi/sector engagement – October-July 2025

Round 4 engagement of all parties including the wider community October – November 2025

Draft Plan ready by December 2025, notification by 2027

Further information: www.waikatoregion.govt.nz/freshwater-policy-review

PC1 HEALTHY RIVERS/WAI ORA: The decisions documents are available on Waikato Regional Council’s website www.waikatoregion.govt.nz/healthyrivers. The Environment Court hearing is complete and we now await the Court’s decision (end of 24/beginning of 25) Further appeals on the Environment Court decision will be based on points of law, process then goes to the High Court. Likely that PC1 will become operative during the Coalition Government’s RMA review timeline which will create further complexities.

In August 2021, the Government released the findings of a review of Overseer. The review identified shortcomings in Overseer’s modelling approach.

LAKE TAUPŌ CATCHMENT COMMITTEE: LWAG received an invitation to participate in a reformed Lake Taupō and Upper Waikato Zone Committee process as a community representative. No further meetings planned.

LAKE TAUPŌ PROTECTION TRUST The trust settlors (the Crown, Waikato Regional Council, and Taupō District Council), agreed that Taupō District Council would retain and become the sole trustee of the Lake Taupō Protection Trust. This decision allowed the efficient transfer of functions and responsibilities without losing the gains associated with the trust such as reputation, landowner relationships, and administration processes. https://protectinglaketaupo.nz/the-trust/

WRC CHAPTER 3.10 REVIEW: WRC has separated the review of Variation 5 (now called Chapter 3.10) into 2 stages - stage 1 relates to the Overseer version issue and stage 2 will target all other matters. Regional Council currently investigating implications of the NPS and NES Freshwater on the Waikato Regional Plan. Through that process, parts of the plan that need to be changed will be identified – those changes are likely to include further changes to the Taupo Chapter. The requirement is to notify changes no later than 2024. That means working towards changes will occur in next couple of years.

WRC PLAN CHANGE 2: TAUPŌ OVERSEER VERSION: The plan change was made operative on Monday 12 October 2020.   More information on the plan change including the operative plan change document is now on the plan change website https://www.waikatoregion.govt.nz/council/policy-and-plans/rules-and-regulation/taupo-overseer/

N.B. Plantain now in OverseerFM as a pasture type on pastoral and cut and carry blocks

WRC CLIMATE CHANGE ROADMAP EMISSIONS MAN. & REDUCTION PLAN: Council approved its Climate Action Roadmap to guide internal activities, budget planning and opportunities to work with iwi partners and key stakeholders for a climate-resilient Waikato. The roadmap provides nine evidence-based pathways the council will take to respond to the impact of council actions on the climate and the implications of a changing climate on council activities including a proposal to help accelerate the uptake of low emission vehicles in the Waikato region. https://www.waikatoregion.govt.nz/assets/WRC/WRC-2019/Climate-Roadmap.pdf

LAKE TAUPŌ PROTECTION PROJECT ‘Te wai, te iwi Protecting Lake Taupō’ – publication http://www.protectinglaketaupo.nz/ (scroll down to video and click play)

WRC LAKE TAUPO’S WATER QUALITY DATA – Recreational Monitoring (re suitability for swimming)


“WATER QUALITY OF LAKE TAUPŌ & ITS CATCHMENT 1973-2020” – comprehensive report being developed by Bill Vant & John Hadfield – available here: Water quality of Lake Taupō and its catchment to 2020 (waikatoregion.govt.nz)

https://www.lakesandwaterwaystaupo.org.nz/monthly-reports-2022/julyaugust-2022-inclduing-august-18th-agenda  Follow link. Deep buoy site info here: https://www.waikatoregion.govt.nz/environment/natural-resources/water/lakes/lake-taupo/lake-taupos-water-quality/  WRC’s monitoring of Lake Taupō’s open water quality shows the lake continues to be of high quality, clear and low in nutrients. However, increasing nitrate levels in the bottom waters of the lake could lead to increases in algae, which can reduce clarity. WRC measures Secchi depth at their open water sampling site to monitor Lake Taupō's water clarity over time. They also collect water samples in the top 10 metres of the lake at this site to measure chlorophyll a, total phosphorus and total nitrogen. The online table gives their average chlorophyll a values for the period 1994 to 2020.

NIWA buoy WRC have contracted Dr Piet Verburg from NIWA to undertake a study using the monitoring buoy data from Lake Taupo. This study will focus on evaporation from the lake, and how this changes over the time the buoy has been in place.

Water quality for human contact recreation: Waikato Regional Council now measures bacteria levels (E. coli) in the water at five sites around the edge of Lake Taupō annually. E. coli bacteria is a useful indicator of the health risk for human contact recreation activities, such as swimming or water skiing.

Algal bloom reporting: scroll down to Lake Taupo on this WRC site:



MfE Fast-Track Approvals Bill – LWAG submitted on this. Passed - The purpose of the legislation is to provide a streamlined 'one stop shop' decision-making process to facilitate the delivery of infrastructure and development projects with significant regional or national benefits. The Act contains a list of 149 regional and national projects. Substantive applications for projects 'listed' in the Act to use the fast-track approvals process and referral applications for other projects to use the process may be lodged from 7 February 2025.

Read the Act here . The Ministry for the Environment also has information on its website.

MfE NPS Freshwater The requirement to notify new regional freshwater plans by the end of 2024 at the latest has been extended to the end of 2027. Select committee report back - 30 September 2024  (Primary Production Committee). Background: Last December, the Resource management (Natural and Built Environment and Spatial Planning Repeal and Interim Fast-track Consenting) Act 2023 was repealed, which extended the statutory period that the council has to progress its policy review and notify its freshwater planning instruments from December 2024 to December 2027.

The Government also indicated that there will be changes to the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020, including rebalancing the hierarchy of obligations in Te Mana o te Wai.  These changes are expected to be enacted in late 2025.

LOCAL GOVERNMENT WATER SERVICES BILL ‘WATER DONE WELL’ (Formerly 3 Waters): Dec 17th – had its first reading and was referred to the Finance and Expenditure Select Committee. It sets out details relating to the water services delivery system, economic regulation and consumer protection regime and changes to the water quality regulatory framework. Submissions close Sunday 23 February 2025. (See more below)


LOCAL GOVERNMENT REFORM update - Government reforms that refocus local councils on delivering essential services and core infrastructure, spending responsibly, and operating under greater scrutiny (See more below)

RESOURSE MANAGEMENT (CONSENTING & OTHER SYSTEM CHANGES) AMENDMENT BILL Dec 17th - had its first reading and was referred to the Environment Select Committee.  This bill amends the Resource Management Act 1991 to progress Government priorities, including making it easier to consent new infrastructure, encouraging investment in renewable energy, and making medium-density residential standards optional for councils.Resource Management (Consenting and Other System Changes) Amendment Bill Submissions close Monday 10 February 2025

CLIMATE CHANGE RESPONSE (ZERO CARBON) AMMENDMENT ACT– The Government has taken agriculture out of the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (NZ ETS) and will establish a new Pastoral Sector Group to constructively tackle biogenic methane. (Beehive media release June 2024)ALSO: The government said it would introduce legislation (before the end of 2024) to remove a ban on offshore petroleum exploration to attract investment to the country's oil and gas sector.

Independent review on biogenic methane science and targets: The Government has released an independent review on New Zealand’s biogenic methane science and target and will now consider the findings. The panel’s final report on the latest methane science finds:

·       In a scenario where the rest of the world rapidly increases its climate policies to meet the 1.5 degrees warming Paris goal, then reducing New Zealand’s biogenic methane emissions by 24% by 2050 would satisfy the goal of achieving no additional warming on 2017 levels by 2050.

·       In scenarios where global emissions of greenhouse gasses do not reduce rapidly in the next couple of decades, a reduction in 2017 biogenic methane emission levels of around 14-15% by 2050 would satisfy the goal of achieving no additional warming on 2017 levels by 2050.

MfE - OUR JOURNEY TOWARD NET ZERO On 11 December 2024, Government released the second emissions reduction plan. The plan includes eight key policies that will have the greatest potential emissions savings over the next five years: 

·       Enabling more renewable energy projects through Electrify NZ  

·       Recognising carbon capture, utilisation and storage in the NZ ETS 

·       Targeting a network of 10,000 EV charging points by 2030  

·       Introducing agricultural emissions pricing systems by 2030 and incentivising the uptake of new technologies 

·       Exploring private-sector partnerships to plant trees on Crown-owned land which has low conservation value and low farming value

·       Introducing a regulated product stewardship scheme for refrigerants from 2025 

·       Leveraging the Waste Minimisation Fund to enable resource recovery systems and infrastructure to process organic waste 

·       Improving organic waste management and landfill gas capture to increase landfill gas recovery rates.  

Climate Change Commission advice on fourth emissions budget and the 2050 target

On 5 December, the Climate Change Commission released advice on the fourth emissions budget and the 2025 target. The report makes several recommendations aimed at strengthening the 2050 target and emissions budgets that lead to it. These include:

·       Strengthening the 2050 target from net-zero emissions to negative 20 Mt CO2-e, including emissions from international aviation and shipping

·       Reducing biogenic methane emissions to 35–47 per cent below 2017 levels by 2050

·       Setting the fourth emissions budget at 160 Mt CO2-e

·       Tightening the first three emission budgets.

The Government will consider and respond to the Commission’s reports and recommendations on the 2050 target, international aviation and shipping, the methane target, the fourth emissions budget and existing emission budgets, within the next 12 months. The fourth emissions budget must be set by 31 December 2025

Climate Change Commission delivers first emissions reduction monitoring report 30th July 2024 ttps://www.climatecommission.govt.nz/news/climate-change-commission-delivers-first-emissions-reduction-monitoring-report/

DoC – NIWA DoC park weather site: https://weather.niwa.co.nz/parks

LAWA (Land, Air, Water, Aotearoa) reports on nation-wide water quality results https://www.lawa.org.nz/explore-data/swimming



Scroll down to select ‘Long term’ or ‘Short term’ & hover curser over lake level lines for specific info including current level


Acacia Bay water temperature live data is published on the LAWA staging site.

Please find link here: http://lawa.staging.iteffect.co.nz/explore-data/waikato-region/lakes/lake-taupo/

LERNZ Lake Ecosystem Restoration New Zealand “Linking lake restoration research with end users to achieve outcomes”. Please see the ‘our people’ section of this website (http://www.lernz.co.nz/people) and the University of Waikato website (http://sci.waikato.ac.nz/about-us/school-of-science/staff) www.lernz.co.nz

WRC Lake Taupō Water Quality Monitoring: Water quality for ecological health; measures Secchi depth at open water sampling site to monitor Lake Taupō's water clarity over time. They also collect water samples in the top 10 metres of lake to measure chlorophyll a, total phosphorus and total nitrogen. Water quality for human contact recreation; bacteria levels (E. coli) in the water at a number of sites around the edge of Lake Taupō. https://www.waikatoregion.govt.nz/environment/natural-resources/water/lakes/lake-taupo/lake-taupos-water-quality/ or contact WRC’s Lakes Scientist/Programme Manager - Science & Strategy Directorate

SOE WAIKATO REGION 2022 State of the Environment 2022 | Waikato Regional Council

WATER QUALITY OF LAKE TAUPŌ & ITS CATCHMENT 1973-2020 Water quality of Lake Taupō and its catchment to 2020 (waikatoregion.govt.nz)

FRESHWATER FOR LIFE offers ‘independent honesty into freshwater environmental reporting in New Zealand’: https://waterqualitynz.info/


ADVOCATES FOR THE TONGARIRO RIVER – Contact: secretary@tongariroriver.org.nz and check out their website https://www.tongariroriver.org.nz/ One of the aims of the Advocates for the Tongariro River is to build widespread public awareness and support for affirmative action on key issues affecting the Tongariro River and its environment. All welcome.

LAKES WATER QUALITY SOC. ‘Te Kahui Kounga Wai’ – Taking care of the Rotorua Lakeshttps://lakeswaterquality.co.nz/ The Society is a community organisation that works on behalf of the whole Rotorua Community and many outside of Rotorua to ensure that lakes remain or are restored to a high quality.

The Society is a community organisation that works on behalf of the whole Rotorua Community and many outside of Rotorua to ensure that lakes remain or are restored to a high quality. secretary@lakeswaterquality.co.nz

DOC/TONGARIRO NATIONAL TROUT CENTRE Taupō for Tomorrow education programme website: www.taupofortomorrow.co.nz no longer being funded so school educational opportunities limited.

Take part in events run by the Department of Conservation, local businesses, and community groups during

Sign up for ‘What’s Up DOC?” newsletter for national projects and resources online.


TREES THAT COUNT (Project Crimson affiliated) A digital marketplace connecting native tree planters with funders and counting trees.  From their website:  By counting the trees we all plant, we can measure our collective impact on climate change and improve our environment. As they grow, these native trees will help to remove about 2,498,207 tonnes of carbon from our atmosphere. Link to newsletter and other info here:  https://www.treesthatcount.co.nz/


NATIONAL WETLAND TRUST http://www.wetlandtrust.org.nz  a non-profit organisation established to increase the appreciation of wetlands and their values by all New Zealanders. The reserve between Hamilton and Te Awamutu is open to the public. Access is via double wooden gates off SH 3, between McFall and Jary Roads (left hand turn in and out only). The Trust is also keen to hear from willing volunteers.

PROJECT TONGARIRO: - Plenty of opportunities to get involved...check out their volunteer activities! shirley@tongariro.org.nz  Contact Shirley if you would like to help our SMALL Wednesday weeders group.

To get involved check out - https://www.tongariro.org.nz/  for this season’s planting days or email: info@tongariro.org.nz p: +64 7 386 6499

Predator Free Taupō – see their Facebook page for information on what's happening here & elsewhere in New Zealand.  If you are keen to become involved or wish to donate a trap or two to help protect Taupō's native flora and fauna contact them:  info@tongariro.org.nz

Toyota Kiwi Guardians Lake Rotopounamu part of a nation-wide programme encouraging families to get out and explore our special places.  

GREENING TAUPŌ – Planting Days here:  https://www.greeningtaupo.org.nz/ for this season’s planting days or contact: Robyn Ellis, Greening Taupō Coordinator 027 628 8008 or e.mail  info@greeningtaupo.org.nz  Look out for details in The Taupō Times, on radio, at www.greeningtaupo.org.nz or contact info@greeningtaupo.org.nz.

EEC – TAUPO ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION COLLABORATIVE aims to: COLLABORATE amongst local organisations for effective mahi; CONNECT to real life educational opportunities; EMPOWER students, teachers and communities; and DEVELOP rangatahi to be kaitiaki/stewards and decision makers. Many opportunities to connect! https://www.eectaupo.co.nz/

PWMT - Pukawa Wildlife Management Trust: set up to improve the birdlife in and around the Pukawa settlement on the southern shores of Lake Taupō. Contact Jean Stanley on 0274504982 or morepork02@gmail.com

FOREST & BIRD TAUPO BRANCH: Branch contact: Laura Dawson Phone 07 378 5975 Email laura@reap.org.nz or visit the website to get involved at:   http://www.forestandbird.org.nz/branches/taupo

Forest & Bird in conjunction with DoC and Predator Free Taupō, project to clear the Opepe Reserve (on the Napier Taupo Road - 15 km out of town) of pests and bring back the birds.  What is involved? - checking trap lines, emptying traps and re-setting them. If this appeals to you, please see:  https://predatorfreetaupo.nz/ - click on Projects.

MOTUOAPA RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION – contact Larry Hadley (treasurer) to get involved and/or receive their newsletter  troutnabout.nz@gmail.comLWQ Soc Rotorua Lakes –

Biodiversity crisis in New Zealand link: https://theconversation.com/despite-its-green-image-nz-has-worlds-highest-proportion-of-species-at-risk-116063

Lakes & Waterways website

Check it out & feedback (and pictures) welcome: www.lakesandwaterwaystaupo.org.nz

Freshwater for Life latest news

Aotearoa New Zealand’s new Government proposal to remove hard-won protection for waterways will worsen the country’s freshwater crisis’ Marnie Prickett & Michael K. Joy July 2024





Creating a community for Taupō locals who advocate for climate change mitigation through a range of solutions such as minimising fossil fuel use, walking and cycling, reduced consumption, plastic free solutions, and waste minimization. We meet quarterly and get involved in a variety of initiatives including submission to Local and Central government, education, advocacy, and coordinating with like-minded groups. 

Next Meeting 1pm Friday 28th February upstairs at the Taupō Library

All welcome

Please contact Jane on janehadiadup@hotmail.com  

The 13 biggest environmental problems of 2022

According to Earth.Org, the 13 biggest environmental problems of 22 are:

1. Global warming from fossil fuels 2. Poor governance            3. Food waste                    4. Biodiversity loss
5. Plastic pollution             6. Deforestation                 7. Air pollution                  8. Melting ice caps and sea level rise
9. Ocean acidification       10. Agriculture                  11. Food and water insecurity              12. Fast fashion and textile waste
13. Overfishing 

WRC Freshwater Policy Review Update received 30/11/2022 (Abridged)

The Waikato Regional Council is making changes to its regional policy statement and regional plan. These changes are part of our Freshwater Policy Review, which is part of the council’s response to central government directions on how freshwater is managed in our region.

Policy development - Policy development is progressing and will consider the feedback we have received from our communities, stakeholders and tangata whenua, alongside science information about the state of waterways and trends across the region.

For information regarding the current state of freshwater within the Waikato region, please refer to Land, Air, Water Aotearoa (Land, Air, Water Aotearoa (LAWA) - Waikato region) and the Waikato Regional Council environmental data hub (Environmental data hub | Waikato Regional Council). 


Research to reveal effect of climate change on Waikato River - 02/10/23


The Waikato River is at the centre of a new multi-million-dollar programme aiming to reveal how increasing carbon dioxide (CO2) levels are affecting rivers and lakes – and what that means environmentally, economically, and socially. Lincoln Agritech is leading the new five-year, $10m research programme funded by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, studying how increasing CO2 is changing the water quality of the Waikato River.

The aim is to develop a model that predicts harmful algal blooms in freshwater systems and the effectiveness of preventative measures.

More here: https://lincolnagritech.co.nz/research-to-reveal-effect-of-climate-change-on-waikato-river/

On 22 July 2024, the daily global average temperature reached a new record high in the ERA5 dataset*, at 17.16°C. This exceeds the previous records of 17.09°C, set just one day before on 21 July 2024, and 17.08°C, set a year earlier on 6 July 2023


Freshwater Gold Clams


6th August interview with MPI's director of pest management John Walsh 


Gold clams are a species of freshwater clam native to eastern Asia which have become an unwanted invasive species around the world. Biosecurity NZ (BNZ) is the lead agency in the early stages of an incursion response to the discovery of gold clams. DOC and stakeholders – including river iwi, Waikato Regional Council, Waikato River Authority, Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand, Mercury Energy, and others – are supporting BNZ as part of the response.

How can I help?

DOC supports Biosecurity NZ’s request for whitebaiters to fish in only one river. If fishers wish to move to another river, they should use different fishing gear (nets, screens, and spotterboards).

Fishing gear should be washed thoroughly then dried, and neoprene gear such as waders should be frozen to kill any larvae remaining in the residual water.

Check, Clean, Dry to help prevent the spread of freshwater pests

Check, Clean, Dry (external site) practices are more important than ever. The methodology has been updated for gold clam and is applicable around NZ. It is wise to stay within a single river system and work from upstream to downstream.

Gold clams found, Lake Taupō Aqua Park closed under biosecurity controls December 2024:

Lake Taupō Aqua Park will permanently close as a way to ensure the elimination of freshwater clams after being temporarily shuttered in March when Biosecurity New Zealand discovered the presence of

the invasive species in the lagoon.

Taupō District Plan Changes 44-46 pre-consultation - Background

The District Plan provides a framework for how development may occur in the Taupō District, and where certain land uses should be located. It is an evolving document and is reviewed regularly to ensure it meets the needs and priorities of the district, and provides for the community’s social, economic, and cultural wellbeing.

The District Plan is currently being reformatted to ensure it is consistent with direction set in the National Planning Standards (NPS). Simultaneously, Council is progressing a sectional Plan review comprising a bundle of three changes – Plan Changes 44-46.

Plan Change 44 – Residential Zones

Plan Change 45 – Neighbourhood Centre Zone

Plan Change 46 – Open Space Zones

The Future Development Strategy is our plan to manage growth in the Taupō District.

The strategy considers how future housing needs, carrying capacity of network infrastructure, tāngata whenua aspirations, and the natural environment are looked at holistically to ensure sustainable and effective growth.

Planning for our future and ensuring that we provide housing and growth capacity is important for the community’s wellbeing. This is your opportunity to help shape our district as it grows over the next 30 years.


Local Government reform programme update (from WRC Policy Directions Jan 2025)

On 16 December 2024, Local Government Minister Simeon Brown provided an update on the local government reform programme that the Prime Minister and Minister Brown had previously outlined in August 2024.

The local government reform programme proposes to:

·       Remove references to the ‘four well-beings’ from the Local Government Act 2002, restoring a purpose focused on fixing pipes, filling potholes, and delivering core local services.

·       Refocus local government on basics, guiding council decision-making and avoiding duplication of roles with central Government.

·       Benchmark council performance. The Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) will publish a yearly report on key financial and delivery outcomes, helping ratepayers hold councils accountable.

·       Modernise outdated rules, including removing requirements for newspaper notices, to drive efficiency and cost savings.

In the press release, the Minister said “The first benchmarking report on local councils will be released in the middle of 2025 and is expected to include a number of key council performance metrics including:

·       Rates

·       Council debt

·       Capital expenditure

·       Balanced budget

·       Road condition

The report will be released ahead of the next local council election to give ratepayers and residents clear information about their council’s performance prior to going to the polls in October 2025. Legislation will be amended to allow future benchmarking reports to include comparison of contractors and consultant expenditure alongside other key metrics.

Cabinet will consider additional measures this year, which will be included in legislation introduced mid-2025 and passed by the end of 2025. These will consider investigating rates pegging similar to NSW, reform of codes of conduct, reviewing audit requirements, and the establishment of a written question system to give councillors more access to information.

It is significant for regional councils as it proposes to introduce a new single standard for wastewater and stormwater environmental performance.

The Local Government (Water Services) Bill

It is significant for regional councils as it proposes to introduce a new single standard for wastewater and stormwater environmental performance.

This sets out the enduring arrangements for local delivery of water services and includes extensive provisions relating to (among other things):

·       Governance arrangements for the provision of water services, and local authority decision-making requirements

·       The powers, functions, and responsibilities of water service providers

·       The establishment of consumer trusts to own/co-own water organisations

·       Charging for water services

·       The economic regulation of water services by the Commerce Commission

·       Access to finance for CCOs established to provide water services

·       Central government intervention.

Submissions are due on Sunday 23 February 2025. The Select Committee report is due on 17 June 2025 and the Bill is expected to be enacted by mid-2025.

Cabinet material and briefings on the Local Government (Water Services) Bill can be accessed here.

Legal firms Simpson Grierson and Buddle Finlay have each released articles on the Bill:

·       Simpson Grierson - A comprehensive overhaul of water services delivery

·       Buddle Finlay - Water services legislation introduced

Level 1 water restrictions in place for Taupō, Kinloch and Wairākei

TDC Media release 17 Jan 2025

While it hasn’t been the hottest summer so far, we haven’t seen much rain either! Demand for water has been steadily increasing with lots of people enjoying all the Taupō District has to offer. And while we all like to maintain lush green lawns and gardens at home, that’s putting our water supply network under strain.

To help take the pressure off our water team who are working hard to keep up supply, we’re bringing in Level 1 Water Restrictions for Taupō (including Acacia Bay), Kinloch, Wairākei and Waitahanui.

  • In these areas, sprinklers may be used on alternate days only, using the odds and evens system based on your street address. That means if your address ends in 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8, you can use sprinklers on even calendar days. If your address ends in 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9, you can use sprinklers on odd calendar days.

  • Hand-held hoses can be used anytime.

  • Restrictions aren’t in place for the rest of the Taupō District, but we ask everyone to use water mindfully.

While we all love and treasure our amazing Lake Taupō, when it comes to supplying water to everyone it’s not how about much water is in the lake. It’s about how much water has to be pumped and treated everyday to keep up with demand. More people in our district at this time of year, means more pressure on our water supply.

If we all do our bit to conserve water, even just a little, that can make a big difference. Our water is precious – let’s use it wisely!

Thanks for your help everyone.

For more water-saving tips, head to www.taupo.govt.nz/waterconservation.


Jane Penton