Healthy Rivers~Wai Ora/PC1 Update incl. letter received re; appeal process

The council has been conscious of the extraordinary times as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and for farmers the effects of the drought too.

The council has continued to review this developing situation and, as a result of the pandemic, it applied to the Environment Court to extend the appeals period from the minimum 30 working days to 50 working days.

Letter received by LWAG on 22 April 2020

 Dear Submitter

 Re: Proposed Waikato Regional Plan Change 1:  Waikato and Waipā River Catchments – Decisions Version/ Te Panonitanga 1 i te Mahere Ā-Rohe a Waikato e Marohitia Nei: Ngā Riu o Ngā Awa o Waikato me Waipā - Te putanga e mau nei i ngā whakatau

 This letter is to advise you of Waikato Regional Council’s decision on submissions and further submissions on Proposed Waikato Regional Plan Change 1: Waikato and Waipā River Catchments. Enclosed is a copy of the public notice on the Proposed Waikato Regional Plan Change 1 Decision.

At an extraordinary council meeting on 18 March 2020, Council adopted the recommendations made by the Hearings Panel, with the correction of minor errors, as Council’s decision on the Proposed Plan Change. This decision was publicly notified on 22 April 2020.

The Hearings Panel heard from a significant number of submitters over 59 days of hearings from March to September 2019. The Hearing Panel’s Recommendation Report includes discussion of issues raised by submitters, reasons for accepting or rejecting submissions and provides recommendations and the reasons for them. The Panel’s recommendations are contained in one report volume, accompanied by a Decisions Version of Proposed Waikato Regional Plan Change 1 (as a separate volume). The decisions documents are available on Waikato Regional Council’s website Hard copies are available on request by emailing

 Appeals to the Environment Court

Any person who made a submission and or further submission on the Proposed Waikato Regional Plan Change 1: Waikato and Waipā River Catchments may appeal to the Environment Court in accordance with clause 14 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act (1991). Please note that you may only appeal on a provision or a matter in the decisions if you referred to that provision or matter in your submission. Please refer to the enclosed public notice for further information.  If you require any further information regarding appeals, please refer to the Environment Court website

Waikato Regional Council has applied to the Environment Court for a waiver to extend the appeal period to 50 working days from service of this notice of decision. If the waiver is granted, submitters will be notified and details will be made available on the Waikato Regional Council website. Any further directions from the Environment Court relating to the appeal period will be made available on the Waikato Regional Council website:

Please contact Waikato Regional Council 0800 800 401 or if you have any questions regarding this letter.

LWAG April 2020



Jane Penton