WRC notification of Proposed Waikato Region Plan Change 2: Taupō Overseer Version subs due 28 May
The purpose of Proposed Waikato Regional Plan Change 2: Taupō Overseer Version is to change Chapter 3.10 of the Waikato Regional Plan to allow the use of updated Overseer versions. This plan change is therefore to address a technical matter with the current rules. The main changes are to rules that refer to Overseer. An additional policy is added to allow current consents to be changed so that they are consistent with updated Overseer versions. The opportunity is also taken to make some additional minor changes to fix errors in the current Chapter 3.10 provisions.
For further information about the Plan Change and the submission process, plus links to the documents, please refer to the Waikato Regional Council website https://www.waikatoregion.govt.nz/council/policy-and-plans/rules-and-regulation/taupo-overseer/. It is noted that the Minister’s Direction does not provide for a hearing. Therefore, we encourage you to provide as much detail as possible to support your submission. Please note that submissions need to be received by Waikato Regional Council no later than 5pm on 28 May 2020.
If you would like a hard copy of the plan change documents, or if you wish to discuss any matters relating to Plan Change 2, please contact Jon Palmer at Waikato Regional Council’s Taupō Office or Urlwyn Trebilco at the Hamilton Office (0800 800 401).
Ngā mihi, nā
LWAG May 2020